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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2011
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        
W. Ritter, A. Bonofiglio, O. Lies, J. Head

Member Absent:  
D. Lindberg, M. Wronski

Others Present: 
P. Harding, Town Planner, D. Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:05 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.

PUBLIC HEARING – Zoning Map Amendment, Citizen Petition to change R-2 to Commercial, 160 Shrewsbury Street, Town Meeting Recommendation:  W. Ritter read the Public Hearing Notice into record.  

The property is approximately 1.64 acres and is the current site of a veterinarian clinic.  The Board has a Use Table from the zoning bylaw for review.  By right, commercial uses are designated with a P, and uses allowed by Special Permit are marked with an S.  Permitted by right uses in the Commercial district include repair shops, automobile sales, and banks.

Roy Fraser, 943 Shrewsbury St., representing the owners, addressed the Board, giving a history of the building that has been commercial since 1939.  He distributed a handout to the Board that included the property history, a picture, and maps.  There are 2 apartments in the house.  P. Harding stated that residential uses are not allowed in the Commercial zoning district but are permitted by the Mixed Use Bylaw through a Special Permit.  The Holden Municipal Light Dept. and the church are the only non-residential uses in the area.

Public Comments:
  • Jerry Cote, 146 Shrewsbury St:  Stated that commercial zoning would adversely affect the properties in the area.  Opening up to commercial use would be a detriment to the area.
  • Cecile Cote, 146 Shrewsbury St:  Would like to ask the Board to keep the area residential.
O. Lies stated that this is a typical intersection for a New England town, and he would not like to see a gas station or a bank there.

  • Terry Frase, 91 Mark Bradford Dr:  Inquired as to what the Municipal Light Dept. went through, and was told that Municipal buildings are exempt except for set backs.
J. Head has a problem with changing the use of 1 lot.

W. Ritter used Goodhiles as an example of a non-conforming commercial use that had a zone change approved from Residential to Commercial.  The residents are used to the lot being a business for so long.

  • Cecile Cote, 146 Shrewsbury St:  Stated that you’d never know there was a business there.  
A.Bonofiglio motioned to close the Public Hearing.  O. Lies seconded.  All in favor.

O. Lies motioned to recommended approval of the zone change, as requested, at Town Meeting, due to the fact that the lot has historically been commercial since the 1930’s.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 3-1.  PASSED.

Documents presented during review:
        Citizens Petition, Zoning Map Amendment, Roy Fraser, III of 943 Wachusett St., Holden, MA 01520, for 160 Shrewsbury St., Holden, MA 01520, Request Dated March 7, 2011.
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)

STREET ACCEPTANCE – ALDEN WOODS II, Town Meeting Recommendation:  C.B. Blair Builders has submitted a request for street acceptance of the Alden Woods II subdivision.  The Engineering Department received as-builts on 5/4/11, and a punch list was given to the applicant today.  Issues to date include; grading adjustments to the detention pond, the relocation of the detention fencing within the easement and the installation of two streetlights.  

J. Blair assured the Board that most items would be fixed by Friday.  

The Board agreed to meet at 6:45 pm before Town Meeting to determine if the punch list items were completed to the DPW’s satisfaction.   P. Harding will send out an email reminder to the Board.

Documents presented during review:
Letter Dated May 10, 2011
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)


530 Salisbury Street, Havens:  The applicant is adjusting a lot line in an R-40 Zoning District, of a previously submitted ANR to increase the size of the vacant lot.  Both lots have the required area and frontage.  O. Lies motioned to approve.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 4-0.  APPROVED.
Documents presented during review:
        Approval Not Required, Alan J. & Merryl C. Havens, 530 Salisbury St, Holden, MA 01520, dated April 15, 2011.
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)

24 and 26 Snowberry Lane, Andrew Dalbo, Wachusett Woods Subdivision:  This request is to adjust a property line, in an R-1 Zoning District, to create a conforming sideyard setback for a new home that was constructed on the lot line.  The property has not been sold, so is relatively easy to move the lot lines.  J. Head motioned to approve.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 4-0.  APPROVED.
Documents presented during review:
Approval Not Required 24 & 26 Snowberry Lane, Andrew Dalbo, 26 Snowberry Ln, Holden, MA 01520, Dated November 2, 2010.  (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)

ZBA RECOMMENDATION, Variance, Justin Brook, 83 Powers Road:  This is a corner lot in an R-10 zoning district, which is required to have a 30’ exterior side yard setback.  The applicant is applying for a variance to construct an attached garage to a single family home with a 10’ setback.  J. Head motioned no planning significance.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 4-0.  ALL IN FAVOR.
Documents presented during review:
        Variance, Justin Brooks, 83 Powers Rd, Holden, MA 01520, Application Dated April 13, 2011.
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)

DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES - Zoning Amendment:  Discussion postponed to the May 24, 2011 meeting.

  • April 12, 2011:  O. Lies motioned to approve.  J. Head seconded.  Vote 4-0, APPROVED.
  • Highlands of Holden:  O. Lies reported that a resident on Steppingstone said they’re glad the project will be done soon.  A. Bonofiglio said the loam pile seems to be going down.  P. Harding said that C & S Builders has been maintaining the subdivision very well.  P. Harding will draft a letter for W. Ritter to review and send regarding the fence and plantings on lots 12, 13, & 14.
Documents presented during review:
Emails received from Staci Robichaud and Liz Helder dated May 6 & 10, 2011
        (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)
  • Walgreens:  A. Bonofiglio inquired as to the status of the lighting.  P. Harding reported that the police and fire chief were okay with the lighting.  Walgreens wants to pull the wires out of the posts instead of removing them.  The Board is fine with that.
  • Traffic & Circulation Committee:  They would like to meet with the Planning Board in July.  CMRPC recently provided TCC with a draft of a Transportation Management Plan.  The Board agreed on the third week in July.
  • Town Meeting:  The Board has 2 warrant articles at Town Meeting.
  • Hill Woods Estates:  P. Harding informed the Board that they cannot find a buyer for the 2 affordable units.  The developer will accept a lower price if the Board releases one unit from affordable status.  The Board will need to hold a Public Hearing for the amendment.
Next Meeting:  May 24, 2011, 7:00 PM.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn.  O. Lies seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:10 PM.

May 10, 2011 Minutes approved:  May 24, 2011                    

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary